
Jackson's Newborn Pics

I got my copies of Jackson's Newborn Session pics and can finally send out announcements. A little late and will be quickly followed by Christmas pics but that's ok! :) It was well worth the wait to have these special pics and not just my snapshots.
Jackson is 5 weeks and is starting to look at flashing lights on the travel swing (thanks Wendy) and starting to look around a lot more and focusing on smaller objects. We still have not seen consistent smiles so we are anxiously waiting for those moments. He is doing great at tummy time and really starting to strengthen those neck muscles. I weighed him yesterday and with his clothes on he was 11lbs 2oz! He is quickly growing out of his smallest clothes and every time we go to get him in the morning its crazy how much he's grown. I can't believe how much bigger he is compared to these newborn pictures. It does go fast!! Thank you Kerri Mathis Photography www.kerrimathisphotography.com/blog/



Our little Jackson Wayne is one month old today!!! The days are flying by. He has outgrown one set of his onesies as of today (how appropriate!) Have to put those away, hopefully for baby #2. Not anytime soon though!

Jackson is sleeping better and having less fits. I think he realized that when he cries less, his mother smiles more and "if mama ain't happy, nobody's happy." We are getting ready to head to Grammie and Grampie's house for Thanksgiving and starting the list early of all the things we need to take with us. It truly is amazing how small he is but how many things he needs!!! How can Rob and I own an SUV and still possibly think we don't have enough room to transport this kid 9 hours away--NUTS!

Looking forward to seeing what is ahead in Jackson's 2nd month of life and documenting it all.


4 weeks old!

Our little guy is 4 weeks old!! Can't believe it!!! He is growing like a weed and looks different everyday. He is over 10lbs now and really developing quite the personality. He is quite head strong and doesn't transition slowly from happy to upset. I keep looking for the on/off switch. This kid did not come with a dimmer. He'll be happy and smiling one second and the screaming the next. Wonder who he gets that from??!!
He is also not so sure about the whole sleeping at night thing. Much more fun to stay up and keep mom and dad up. He will only sleep if he is in his swing or being held. He no longer likes just laying on his back in his crib in our room. Hopefully this doesn't last long as I really want a good sleeper. We will start our sleep training at 6 weeks- got he books just hopefully have the nerves to get through it!!

Sweet little guy in his swing (Picture with our new camera!!!)

He is getting big- Now over 10 lbs!!
Getting a little chunky :)


Half Smiles

Jackson is starting to show his personality a little more and more everyday. We are getting more and more half smiles and make SUCH a big deal about it when we catch his smiles. The pics below are smiles in his sleep. What I'd pay to know what he was dreaming about...something tells me I already know! :) He is also doing much better at focusing on our faces and gazing at us longer.

Had a couple rough days this week in regards to excessive crying and the need to be held all the time in order to sleep. This is a new thing for him as he used to be quite an independent sleeper. Rob and I got through it and are just taking turns holding him and loving on him so he gets more and more comfortable being put down to sleep. Sometimes this means that Rob and I don't get to see much of each other since we are sleeping in shifts. Looking forward to talking to my husband again soon :) We are going to graduate him to his big boy crib upstairs soon since during the night he is getting closer to 5 hours between feedings.

Can't wait for my new camera to arrive so that I can start taking professional pics of Jackson to document his first year.


First REAL Bath

Jackson's umbilical cord FINALLY came off and we were able to take a big boy bath. It was so much fun to finally be able to use our cute tub (thanks Sara) and get him REAL clean. He only cried for just a minute and then realized it felt good. Then he really enjoyed himself. We turned on the space heater in the bathroom and I think that helped a lot to keep him warm. Rob was a great photographer and caught some good moments. I felt pretty accomplished as well since I gave him a bath one-eyed. He was slippery but didn't slip away from Momma!!!!!

We also napped together and Rob caught a great picture--eye patch and all. I have to try to lay down as much as possible for my eye to heal. Hard to do with a 3 week old but we're doing our best. When he is napping then I lay down on my face or side and try to get in the time needed. I go back to the doctor tomorrow for my 2nd post-op check up and hoping for good news. I know I'll have to have a follow up surgery in a few months to take the oil they put in my eye, but hopefully that will NOT require a long recovery time. I don't want to miss out on anything with Jackson.

Jackson is all ready for his bath...Naked boy wrapped up in a cloth diaper. He has NO clue what he's in for :)

He is not too sure if he likes it yet.

Ok, he doesn't like it now!

This isn't too bad..kind of enjoying it now.

He was really good for Mommy and let us finish the bath without any big issues. No accidents in the tub either!!!

Nap time with Mommy


Jackson's 1st Halloween

Jackson had his 1st Halloween experience! He was only 2.5 weeks old so not TOO involved in the whole process but it was still fun to take pictures and show him off to a few neighbors. Jackson had a great onesie we got from The Sweeney's and then for the Halloween night he had a skeleton outfit to wear that I got from gals at work. We took a lot of pictures and are really looking forward to next year when he'll enjoy it a little more.

Had lots of kids come by for candy. Its nice now that the neighborhood is starting to fill up with more houses. Gave away A LOT of candy and had to keep it away from Rob until all the trick or treaters had come by. Luckily we didn't have very much at all left over!!!

Our Little Skeleton!

Our little pumkin, with his little pumpkin!