
Daddy Time

Jackson is really enjoying Daddy time at the end of the day.  Guess he's sick at looking at my mug all day long!  Daddy also does some fun things with him like lifting him way up in the air, playing SuperMan, and some very silly faces.  The other night Jackson was very excited that Daddy was done with work and downstairs to play. Unfortunately...he had a little of his afternoon feeding that decided to make an entrance.  All over Jackson and Daddy.  TOO funny!  Suprisingly it doesn't bother Rob. He just laughs it off.  Good Daddy!

We are packing things up and getting ready to head to Pensacola in a couple days.  Crossing our fingers that Jackson is great in the car for 9 hours.  Just took the SUV into the shop today as the AC just decided to not work (its not warm but its certainly not COLD).  Hoping its just a silly thing like they said it could be a fuse or a loose hose OR it could be something big.  If big, we're going to have to figure out how we are going to make the entire trip in a sedan!!!

CHECK OUT Jackson's spiked hair these days, the pictures really do show it!

Slobber anyone?

Um, Sorry Daddy...didn't mean to!


Now I'm tired. Playtime with Daddy was exhausting..Off to bed


15 Weeks

Jackson is doing very well these days.  He had his first belly laugh on his 14week bday, now enjoys the exersaucer more and more everyday (thanks Wendy!), and had a couple small bites of rice cereal this past week.  We weighed him today and he was just over 16lbs.  He seems to be lengthening more and stretching out the fat.  We have to wait until our Feb 12th Dr. visit (4 month check up) to get an accurate length update on him.  He was 25.5" at his 2 month check up and 13lbs 8 oz. I can't believe how fast he is growing and how it seems like a blink of an eye.

We are very excited about his baptism on the 6th.  He gets to spend some time with Grammie & Grampie in Florida and hopefully will do a lot of smiling and laughing for them.  Jackson is quite the babbler these days and loves to hum and coo on our walks.  He LOVES sticking his bib in his mouth, or the rings, or the blanket...ok pretty much anything! Can we say...teething!!??  Jackson is no longer interested in the swing which will help in our packing to go to Florida.  Playmat or exersaucer it is!!

Now that Mommy is getting back into shape we are going for a lot more walks, sometimes 2/day.  Today we did a nice long 3 mile walk with a new friend in the neighborhood with a 3 month old boy as well.  Amazing how much further you walk when you have company!! Didn't feel like that far but just getting down where we met and back to our house was 2 miles.  I felt very accomplished I must say.  Mommy also goes back to the trainer tomorrow so I can build back my muscles so I can carry my hefty boy around.

Standing up in the exersaucer

Concentrating very hard

Jackson enjoying some rice cereal



I got some much needed scrapbooking done which makes me VERY happy.  I have scrapbooked the first 2 weeks of Jackson's life thus far.  I had soooooooooo many pictures to go through for those first few days so it took me quite a while deciding which pictures to use since I couldn't use them all.  Working on this scrapbook makes me realize just how quickly 3 months have gone.  Today I was doing a little scrapbooking and Jackson was sitting in his highchair playing with toys.  I kept looking at him and couldn't quite grasp that he used to be small (well smaller...he was a big baby).  I need to try to keep up the pace before I get too behind on his scrapbook. I am dedicated on doing this for his 1st year and also for the next baby's 1st year and I want to have no excuses for not doing it for the next kid.  Lofty goals I know, but, hey! I'm an overachiever.

I decided to share some pages with those that aren't going to get to see these for quite some time if at all.  Enjoy!!


Best Birthday Present!!

I have the best birthday present I could ever ask for. That's my son Jackson!!!!  He whispered Happy Birthday to me this morning and told me that next year he'll sing me the song :) .  This morning I got to sleep in until 8:45am. Yes, that means our little man slept for about 13 hours!!!  He is quite the all-star when it comes to sleep training.  Consistency, consistency, consistency sure does pay off!!! Jackson will be baptized in a few weeks and I am very much looking forward to that.  We'll have to venture again to Florida and see how he does with the 9hr drive this time.  I think he'll be fine as long as he is well fed and dry.  Fingers crossed!! If not then we may be flying over next time.  Continental now has a direct flight there so we are very happy and can fly on our miles.  I'm probably going to take a tester trip with him on the plane sometime this summer to see how it goes.  Scary thought.

Melting Pot tonight and Wendy is our babysitter.  Looking forward to a dinner where I'm not wiping slobber, rocking his car seat, making silly faces, and scarfing down food to avoid a meltdown in public.  I am going to take my sweet time and enjoy every bite!! yummmmmmmmmmmmm!  (but I will be missing Jackson every moment)


Its a Good Day!!

Jackson is taking a great nap this morning so Mommy got to enjoy her Caffeine Free Diet Coke (yummo) and some great reading. Need to enjoy my last few weeks of diet soda before I head back to the torture chamber, aka 24hr fitness, with my trainer Ricky.  Then its water water water!!! He seems excited to whip me back into shape. I did remind him that I still need to be able to pick up my son from the ground and play with him.  October 2008 when I started training with him, there were days were I struggled to turn the steering wheel after leaving the gym!!!  I guess that's when you know you have a great trainer.

Rob has been out of town for 2 nights now and we're surviving.  Jackson has pretty much stuck to his schedule and has been a great boy. Nights are the hardest and I'm dreading tonight. Its bath night and I am just freaking out about taking the slippery little booger out of the bath by myself.  I know I can do it, but I'm way to paranoid about the things that could go wrong...repeating loop in my head of all the terrible things that could occur!

To go in more detail about my recent find. The great book I'm reading right now is Miserly Moms by Jonni McCoy.  I recommend it to any Moms out there that want to find ways to save money, not just coupons.  It has great ideas about the things you can make at home (such as a mix like Bisquick), granola, $2-$3 dinners for 4, clever inexpensive gift baskets, and mini muffins you can freeze for littles ones that are eating solid foods.  Look out friends...gift baskets coming your way :). I can't wait to put all these things into action.  I love love love saving money these days since I have taken some time off of work.  I'm treating it as my job!  Highly recommend this book!


Jackson is 3 Months Old 1/13/10

Our handsome little man is 3 months old and quite a neat dude!  We are having a lot of fun and each day brings new noises and faces. I love the new surprises around every corner.  Jackson is now a master napper- 2 naps 2 hrs/ea. then a 1hr cat nap in the evening before bed.  Its amazing when he gets long interrupted sleep how much happier his playtime is! He napped well before, meaning he had many, but they were short. These longer naps are fantastic and so glad I go more strict on these.

Info about Jackson at 3 months:
-Not sure of weight (scale is broken, which is actually a great thing for me!)
-In 3-6 and 6 month clothes depending on brand and actually in a couple 6-9 month (have to fit his length more than his weight!)
-stands when you hold him on your lap
-on tummy is trying to do the mini-pushup but is only about halfway there
-loves sitting in the Bumbo or couch for 30 min+
-goes to bed without a pacifier
-eating 30-36oz/day
-wearing size 2 shoes
-can't fit into any baby hats we have, poor guy
-loves sucking on his hands
-pulling on bib, burp cloth, blanket, MY HAIR, and even now reaching for small toys/pacifier
-just started sticking everything he reaches out for in his mouth
-likes to sit in stroller like a big boy (not in the carseat locked into the stroller etc)
-discovering his feet and fascinated by his socks/shoes
-trying to mimic sounds and thinks its fun having conversations with Mommy


Jackson is a Couch Potato

Jackson is really starting to grow.  He doesn't really enjoy being held too much right now. He is moving around A LOT and wants to sit up on his own on the couch.  He likes sitting next to daddy and watching a little football (well to him its just a bunch of lights :) ).  If he spends too much time on your lap he gets antsy and fussy.  He also HATES being held like a baby unless he is getting fed.  He will be 13 weeks tomorrow and I just can't believe it!  I suppose time flies when you're having fun. 

Also, please keep Jackson and I in your thoughts as Rob will be gone for the rest of the week, leaving tomorrow.  Jackson 24/day with no help = scary!!  But I can do it...I am his mother!

Jackson & Daddy watching football

Having a big ol' time with the remote


Enjoying bathtime video

Jackson's Bathtime Experience

  He is finally enjoying bathtime and is a little more animated.  He used to just lay there, neither a smile or cry.  Just seemed like he was tolerating it.  This video may not capture what fun he was having as I finally decided to video tape it after he'd been playing for a while. I was having too much fun with him and then realized maybe we should capture it.  Also, there will be no more bathtime on our bathroom counter..we had a puddle in the bathroom after his splashing.  Graduating to the upstairs bathroom and he'll be going in the big tub in his whale :) Oh, and we covered his privates to save the boy the hate for me when he is older.


Love of My Life

Jackson is really enjoying playtime these days.  We are also having a lot of fun with him and enjoying all his smiles, coos and half giggles.  He is really the joy of our lives and we love him more and more everyday. 

I found a few quotes that sum up how I feel these days:
"It was the tiniest thing I ever decided to put my whole life into" -Terri Guillemets

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for."- Anonymous

"Having a baby is like falling in love again, both with your husband and your child."- Tina Brown

"A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on." - Carl Sandburg

My heart could not ache more when he crys or melt anymore than it does when he grins.  Being a parent is the best gift God ever gave me and I definitely do not take it for granted!!

More updates soon.  Jackson will be 3 months this next week--time is flying by.


12 weeks

Jackson is 12 weeks old already..can't believe.  I feel like not that long ago he was reeking havoc in my belly and making himself known.  He is much calmer here in the real world and most the time is quite content just chilling.  He is getting much better at reaching out for things and sucking on his hands when he is a little upset.  He wears a bib 24/7 do to his major drooling, mostly caused by his fascination with blowing bubbles.  I should of just bought plain onesies as you can't ever see what cute stuff he's wearing because he has a bib on. 
Jackson has found the mirror on his swing and on his playmat and enjoys looking at himself.  He'll start crying and look at that and stop, pause and then throw a flirty smile its way...hilarious!!  He is just now flirting- turning his head and smiling acting all shy. Watch out girls...he's going to be a heartbreaker!!!!!
He is now eating 6 oz per sitting and has been sleeping from 8-6:30 the last couple days now so we're keeping our fingers crossed!!!  I'm a much happier mom when I get my sleep.
Jackson is now joining us for dinner and sitting in his highchair.  He used to sit in his swing but it was too far away from us and he wants to be a part of everything. He seems to enjoy it and we do as well because he isn't screaming through our dinner.  Also I want him to get used to it as he'll be eating rice cereal in a month. 
We are not enjoying this colder weather as our daily walks are no longer. Mommy is a wimp now and I just can't make Jackson freeze...he is a heater and all but I just can't do it :)

Jackson enjoying his highchair

Jackson in his Bumbo..he loves this thing!!


Sick sick sick

 Ok, so Mommy got sick and was quite miserable for Christmas and is still sick.  Mommy got Jackson sick.  This is where MAJOR guilt kicks in.  He has coughing and sneezing fits and you can tell he gets so ticked off about it!  The humidifier is getting some good use as well as KLEENEX.  We are on our 3rd box!!!  Would probably be more if it weren't for Mommy using anything in arms reach to rub Jackson's snot on (and that includes Rob!).  Saline drops are a godsend, who knew!  We have also elevated one end of his mattress which has helped him sleep better and cough less at night...however he squirms his way down the mattress quite a bit by morning.  He is still not eating great but much better than a few days ago when he would only take about 1oz at a time and then would nap for 4-5 hours.  Today he is eating more like 3oz and more often when he isn't sleeping.  He is napping a lot because he doesn't feel good --a lot meaning Rob and I have to go over there and check on him to make sure he is alive. Never wanted my kid to wake up so much before--miss holding him and playing with him.

On the road to recovery it seems and Jackson is having good moments where we see his happy self.  Hopefully more and more each day--miss my happy little guy.  Also, hopefully Rob will feel better soon because between Jackson and Rob's coughing I can barely hear myself think.

Here's to 2010 and hoping we are getting sickness out of the way!!!!!