
1 Pillow Down!

So I bought this fabric January 2009 right before I found out I was pregnant.  Today, end of March 2010 I finally made the pillow cover!  I found an awesome pattern, no zipper, but overlapping flaps so I can take off and clean or change out pillow covers when I get bored!!!  YAYAYAYAYAY! Cutting/sewing/ironing/taking picture all done during Jackson's afternoon nap!

Can't wait to cover other pillows I'm just sick of!

Miss Holly's leg in the picture


Some Cute Pics of Jackson

Lots, lots, lots, lots to do so not a lot of time to type much. Here are some newer pics of Jackson.  He is really enjoying sitting up and playing like a big boy. Obviously some tumbles now and then but he doesn't even seem to be bothered by them.  Such a rough and tumble little boy!

Jackson with his toy from Grammie & Grampie

Trying to eat his friend


LOVES this toy. He already removes a couple rings by himself...just gotta teach how to stack them back!

Getting ready to stick it in his mouth

Boiler up! Dressed up for his Purdue basketball game watching last week

Cutest little Purdue fan

Having fun standing on Mommy's lap

Playing with Mommy


YAY for Sewing Space!!

I finally got the time and energy and got my sewing space in order.  Not a sewing room, but have my little space now in the guest room to do my crafts and sewing projects.  Now that its organized I get more done and have been inspired to make some new creations.  Finally have some new designs for my business and will be selling a lot of new things on Etsy soon. I only have 2 things posted (sad..).  But its been hectic with taking orders solely through my website and my mom (since all her friends have been ordering them like crazy from me the last month and a half).  Etsy is easier to organize and keep straight and can reach more people!
Next on the list to do is to make some more samples, take the pics (need models mamas & baby girls!) and get them posted to Etsy.  I've been waiting until I can post a bunch of stuff at one time. Will spread the word when its all up on my Etsy shop and also what stuff I need modeled shortly if there are any volunteers??!!!

My sewing space, almost complete

All my fabrics for my Rosettes

Who knew thread could be so pretty on display :)

can't wait to FINALLY have my dining room curtains done (but here's the fabric!)

and the giraffe fabric pillows...that will be made SOMEDAY

some rosettes..ready to be made into brooches, barrettes, headbands

Rosette Brooch

Jack's new onesie (denim star) I made for him today

Jackson's new Camo "J' onesie

Jackson's new cowboy bear friend hanging out with me :)  (Thanks Nicole)

Flower Brooch

Me sportin' one of my barrettes

Fun lace & fabric rosette with crystal button

LOVE my new barette/clip hanger I made

one of my new projects...baby/toddler barettes...too bad I didn't have a girl, huh? Almost all the stuff I make is girlie.  Good thing I have Etsy to sell some and lots of friends with girls!!!


Proud of Myself

2 posts is one day..I know can you believe it?

Anyways...just thought I'd pat myself on the back and brag a lil' bit.  Had a quick run to Target to get some staples and capitalize on a few of their weekly deals.  I saved $38.47 today! and only spent $62! 

Here is an example of a deal:
Kellogg's Cereal was  4 for $10 PLUS $5 Gift Card + $1.50 off coupon I had= 4 boxes of cereal for $3.50 *less that 88 cents a box*!!  Since I'm the only one that eats cereal in my house this will last me a while :)  For those that buy cereal, you know how expensive they are getting these days so I was proud of this purchase.

Also I bought everything with the exception of the milk today with a coupon and everything I bought was reduced price/on sale.  A little pre-planning involved but so worth the savings!  $100 worth of groceries for $62.  I figure one of my many job is to save money besides raise our beautiful child so I treat it like a part of my job and I would say its paying off!!!

Since I have had a few of you reach out to me to ask what I do, I'll be sure to post some ideas that I get from other blogs and any good deals I think you other Mamas may want to know about for the week!

Good Morning from Jackson

I didn't catch all his talking on camera...very disappointed.  I woke up to lots of talking this morning (no crying these days when he wakes up) through the monitor.  I listened to him a bit while I laid in bed and decided to go see what he was up to.  Of course the second I got there he stopped talking! But thought I'd share our morning greeting. 

He has started to sleep in the corner of the crib.  I put him down on his back on one end and by the time I get back downstairs he is in the corner of the crib on his belly (and he wedges himself ALL the way in the corner, kind of scares me a big!)  Then in the morning he rolls back over, plays a bit and then I go get him.  He is so predictable!  Love watching this little guy grow!  OH, and pardon the white noise in the background...that's what my little man sleeps to!


Mommy's Favorite Things

To please all those that follow the blog and suggested this, here are a few of Mommy's Favorite Things:

1. Looks bad that I'm putting this at the #1 spot but it's the truth!  Can't find other wine (keep trying) that I like as much as this one:  Ravenswood Zinfandel Vintner's Blend

2. Now that I'm back to working out a lot more and watching my diet more strictly, I like to follow up dinner with a VERY little sweet treat.  It helps me from wanting a big bowl of icecream, so instead I have 1 and its only 20 Calories!! Dark Chocolate Hershey Kiss!! If its a bad day I may splurge on 2 or 3 and still under 100 Calories!!!

3. I love cooking and finding new recipes.  It's one of my favorite things to do these days.  The kitchen seems to be where I am when Jackson is sleeping.  Between cooking his food, making make ahead/freeze meals, making homemade dressings/sauces, and making up my own new dishes etc I keep the dirty dishes coming!
4.  I love taking pictures with my Canon camera. I have a couple different lenses now and love trying out new things. I haven't had the time yet to read the book Rob got me so I can take my photography to the next level but I will do it before Jackson turns 1...that's my goal anyways
5. Books.  Jackson has gotten in the way of these lately, but I do love to read when I have the time.  I like crime thrillers, funny girly books (don't know how else to describe them), or sappy Nicholas Sparks books.

6. Deals, deals and more deals. I'm a coupon diva and super shopper when it comes to grocery shopping. Sometimes I'm a little obsessed but I feel so good when I save $75 on ONE grocery bill. I have my secrets and tips and tricks and it takes a lot of work but its worth it and it makes me feel SOOOOOOOOOOO good. Such a high!!

7. Sewing & Crafting, hence my new little business.  I love making things whether that is my rosettes, working on the scrapbooks, making baby gifts, just being CRAFTY

8.  My family.  If I have none of the above, just being with my family is a very good thing. Probably should be listed as #1 above the wine, but these are in no particular order.  


Jackson is 5 Months Old!!!

Jackson is 5 months old today! How time flies!!!

At 5 Months Old Jackson:
- You weigh 18 lbs, 4 oz
- Love rolling over, now both ways, but prefer being on your tummy. 
- Now roll over and sleep on your belly
- Wearing 6-9 and 9 month clothes
- Still sleep from 6:30/7PM to 7/8AM
- Still love your teething toys, mom's knuckle, bib, burpcloth (ok anything you can insert in mouth)
- Wearing Size 3 Diapers
- LOVE standing (with assistance of course).  If you are fussy, just standing you up on our lap will get a BIG grin
- Love Mommy's hair and when it tickles your face
- Babbling now and trying to mimic some sounds
- Like to try to copy the faces we make
- Eat four 8oz bottles per day and 2 Rice Cereal Meals
- Eating some baby food now, homemade by Mommy:  Sweet Potato, Apples, Bananas, Green Beans, Peaches, & Peas
- Same nap schedule you had at 4 months
- Loves trying to sit up.  You haven't mastered it yet but trying REALLY hard
- Hang out in the exersaucer for long periods of time
- Very ticklish: ribs, armpits, just under your chin
- Really like mealtime and open your mouth and make sounds the second we put you in the highchair


Jackson is one Noisy Guy!!!

Jackson always cracks us up with the noises and faces he makes. He is very animated and lets his personality show!  Here are a couple videos from this week with new noises and such.  He is "talking" NON stop.  I have a feeling he will be quite the little ham as he grows up.  He LOVES when Mommy turns on the video camera and seems to like performing when he gets everyone's attention.  I'm going to have my hands full for sure!!!!



Here are some of Jackson's favorite things these days:

LOVES LOVES LOVES his Exersaucer

Lights up and plays music, Ethan got this for Jackson since it was his favorite toy too. Jackson loves it!

Yummy teether!!

Leap Frog Arch Learning Gym

Knitted Blocks by Grammie

Bumbo now w/ tray for his toys!!