
Zoo Visit

Jackson visited the Houston Zoo for the first time today! It was a very special First Mother's Day with my boy!  He wasn't TOO interested but did spot some really bright birds (some kind from Australia) which were playing and flipping upside down and around on branches.  He also liked looking at the Otters swimming by quickly.  But, if it wasn't moving quickly he wasn't too interested!

Here are some pics from the day.  Somehow PopPop Davis managed to stay out of the pics today, but he was there too!  Oh...and Jackson didn't so much like the goats!!  He was ok if we were holding him and standing, but when we tried to get him to pet them..we had a meltdown!!

Loving his new stroller. He loved putting his legs up on the tray.

Not so sure of these goats!

Ok Dad...no closer!

My sweet boy enjoying the monkeys!

Mommy enjoying the giraffes and the new stroller!! It rocks!

Loves playing with his toes


Kate said...

Too bad we missed you. You look hot in your golf shirt. :)

Ellie Davis said...

gee thanks Kate :) We looked for ya, but its a big place! Hope you had fun