What J likes:
-Kisses & Hugs- He'll walk across the room to give them to you when you ask :)
-Loves books, his tunnel, his dog and ANY dog!
-Loves cuddling with us, his dog & stuffed animals.
-Backing up...he LOVES walking backwards and backing up into you!
-Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (especially dancing to the Hot Dog dance!)
-Dancing...ALL the time!
-Letters & Animal books
-Thinks its hilarious when Mommy says "Whoops!"
-Playing Peek A Boo
-Really understanding routines
-Throwing food (Boooooo)
-Playing catch with Daddy (the only thing he will sit and do for 10+ minutes..and he laughs the WHOLE time)
What J Says & Does:
-When we say change your diaper or go nite-nite he heads to his room
-Is getting real good at signing. Here are all his signs(some much more clear than others): more, milk, drink, all done, tree, bath, boy, baby, airplane, play, ball (working on car, mama, dada, shoes, socks)
-We're working on his knowing his body parts. Right now he has belly, ear, toes and sometimes mouth down. He seems to be really into this so we're trying to get the others ones down!
-Says: Mama, Dada, dog, Holly, up, down, no, nite nite, go, diaper (dipe). He isn't as vocal as some other friends but we're getting there!
-Runs (well tries to)
-Learning animal sounds: Dog (woof woof), Monkey (aah ahh- ooo ooo). Working on: Lion & Duck
Jackson is getting to be such a big boy! Holden can't wait to see him again! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. It was great seeing you twice this week too! Hopefully we can keep that up!
Definitely more of Liz & Holden time is in our future!
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