
Jackson 17 weeks!

Jackson is still growing like a weed and will be 4 months old on Saturday!  He is having a hard time fitting into 6 month clothes anymore unless they are REALLY stretchy. He is quite the long waisted guy so one piece outfits are not our friend! 9 month clothes..REALLY?!?! I don't put things on them thinking they'll be too big and then the 1st time he wears them ends up being the last..its just craziness!

Jackson had a wonderful baptism on Saturday and we got some great pictures.  He was quite the angel and it was a very special day for everyone.  New post coming with all his 4 month milestones etc..BUT...HOLD THE PRESSES..................JACKSON ROLLED OVER!  And he rolled over from his back to front (the harder way apparently) today and repeated it about 5 times.  Problem is figuring out how to roll back over.  He is growing so fast and doing so many new things that we are trying so hard to soak it all in. 

Jackson's Baptism in the chapel at St. Christopher's

Our little angel
Cupakes for Jackson's Baptism celebration
Yummy teether!
Gotta love that face..even if he's a grumpy teether sometimes!

Here is rolling over on the 2nd try...Then he lets out a couple "toots" TOO funny

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