
You Say its Your Birthday...

This past Saturday in Florida we had a surprise party for Grampie's 60th Bday!!!  Grammie invited some close friends and had a BIG surprise for Grampie.  She invited our friends from Illinois (Bill, Sandy & Derek)! They drove down from Illinois that day to be there! Grampie was REALLY surprised and moved.  We had such a good time with everyone!  Yummy food and a cake by moi (Thanks to Tyson for the yummy recipe). 
Jay & Kate
Cidihna & Carroll
Sandy hugging Grampie
Bill Hugging Grampie & Derek in background

YUMMY Bday cake

Birthday boy blowing out the candles

So glad my Dad had a good birthday weekend!  Here's to a great year ahead! LOVE YOU!


Jennifer Battjer said...

Glad the party was a hit! That cake does look AMAZING!!!! And it tastes so good! YUM!

Tys said...

YAY! Glad it all went well and was fun! I'm always worried to pass on recipes (in case others don't like it or something)... but you really can't get more easy and yummy than that cake!