
"First" First Christmas and Aquarium visit

We had our first Christmas on Sunday while Uncle Brian's girlfriend Stacey was in town.  We exchanged some good gifts.  Some included a FSU Snuggie for Rob from Grammie & Grampie, a mani/pedi and massage for Grammie and I, Jackson's first Cardinals outfit, drum for Jackson with lights/music/language activies, 2 "mom" necklaces (James Avery and one that Rob got with Jackson's name and birthstone), an original sculpture (seen below) by Uncle Brian, and a Willowtree family figurine. And...there are STILL many presents under the tree!!!!  I've been cooking every night and baking lots of goodies.  Definitely not the best time to try to lose the baby weight. 

After opening gifts on Sunday, Rob and Grampie played golf and the rest of us went to the Aquarium downtown. We had never been before but we had a great time.  Jackson even enjoyed looking at the brighter tanks with fish.  He didn't cry or fuss, just enjoyed being pushed around in the stroller and taking in the scenery. 

Jackson's PJs with the Reindeer Rear from Grammie & Grampie

Jackson's 1st Cardinals outfit

playing the drum with Grampie's help

smiling at Grampie

Brian and Ellie

Sculpture from Uncle Brian  "JWD"

Jackson looking at the fish

pretty fish

Stacey petting the sharks

Brian as an underwater diver

Brian and Stacey getting attacked by the tiger

Uncle Brian with Jackson

Stacey as a shark

Jackson and Uncle Brian outside the aquarium (Looks smaller in his arms!)

My family!

1 comment:

Jennifer Battjer said...

Aww! What great pics! Glad you had a good Christmas! We NEED to hang out!