
Proud of Myself

2 posts is one day..I know can you believe it?

Anyways...just thought I'd pat myself on the back and brag a lil' bit.  Had a quick run to Target to get some staples and capitalize on a few of their weekly deals.  I saved $38.47 today! and only spent $62! 

Here is an example of a deal:
Kellogg's Cereal was  4 for $10 PLUS $5 Gift Card + $1.50 off coupon I had= 4 boxes of cereal for $3.50 *less that 88 cents a box*!!  Since I'm the only one that eats cereal in my house this will last me a while :)  For those that buy cereal, you know how expensive they are getting these days so I was proud of this purchase.

Also I bought everything with the exception of the milk today with a coupon and everything I bought was reduced price/on sale.  A little pre-planning involved but so worth the savings!  $100 worth of groceries for $62.  I figure one of my many job is to save money besides raise our beautiful child so I treat it like a part of my job and I would say its paying off!!!

Since I have had a few of you reach out to me to ask what I do, I'll be sure to post some ideas that I get from other blogs and any good deals I think you other Mamas may want to know about for the week!


Tys said...

Woo-hoo! I think of it like that too... my job is to save money and make the most of the money we do have! I used to be a coupon/sales queen... but when Evan was born and then the move cross country I've gotten really bad about it :( Sounds like you've really gotten it... some people just don't get it. Do you trade coupons yet? I used to do that and it was so helpful to get ones I could use for ones I couldn't! Keep up the good work!

Ellie Davis said...

trade coupons? hmmmmm I'm intrigued...haven't done that..let's chat!

Jennifer Battjer said...

WTG Ellie! I still need to give you that formula coupon too. I really need to work on the whole couponing thing.. no excuses really ;p