
Its a Good Day!!

Jackson is taking a great nap this morning so Mommy got to enjoy her Caffeine Free Diet Coke (yummo) and some great reading. Need to enjoy my last few weeks of diet soda before I head back to the torture chamber, aka 24hr fitness, with my trainer Ricky.  Then its water water water!!! He seems excited to whip me back into shape. I did remind him that I still need to be able to pick up my son from the ground and play with him.  October 2008 when I started training with him, there were days were I struggled to turn the steering wheel after leaving the gym!!!  I guess that's when you know you have a great trainer.

Rob has been out of town for 2 nights now and we're surviving.  Jackson has pretty much stuck to his schedule and has been a great boy. Nights are the hardest and I'm dreading tonight. Its bath night and I am just freaking out about taking the slippery little booger out of the bath by myself.  I know I can do it, but I'm way to paranoid about the things that could go wrong...repeating loop in my head of all the terrible things that could occur!

To go in more detail about my recent find. The great book I'm reading right now is Miserly Moms by Jonni McCoy.  I recommend it to any Moms out there that want to find ways to save money, not just coupons.  It has great ideas about the things you can make at home (such as a mix like Bisquick), granola, $2-$3 dinners for 4, clever inexpensive gift baskets, and mini muffins you can freeze for littles ones that are eating solid foods.  Look out friends...gift baskets coming your way :). I can't wait to put all these things into action.  I love love love saving money these days since I have taken some time off of work.  I'm treating it as my job!  Highly recommend this book!

1 comment:

Jennifer Battjer said...

I will definitely need to check that book out! You'll do great with bath night... I just put the towel on the bathrub and then put lucy down on it and wrap her up :) Lila, I chase around with the towel and hope that I'll catch her before she pees!